Inlays & Onlays

Dr. Michael Kratz may recommend restoration of a tooth with an inlay or onlay (made of porcelain or gold). An inlay fits within the grooves of a tooth. An onlay fits within the grooves of a tooth but also wraps over the tops of the cusps. These restorations can provide more lasting results than large fillings, and an onlay is a more conservative treatment than a crown when full coverage is not required.

Evidence from scientific research, advanced training, and years of experience will guide Dr. Kratz in making optimal treatment recommendations for restoring your tooth. He will fully inform you about treatment options that appropriately meet your goals, so you can decide the treatment that is best for you.

Visit Edina Dental Care regularly to stay on top of dental problems and minimize the need for dental restorations. Give us a call today at (952) 922-2214.