
Periodontal disease, tooth decay, and injury can all cause the loss of natural teeth. Today, there are alternative treatments for restoring the function of your mouth and the appearance of your smile. If you have lost all or some of your teeth, a custom-fit denture provides a functional removable replacement for missing teeth. A partial-removable denture can fill in space left by one or more missing teeth and be held in place with attachments on natural teeth. A complete overdenture provides a removable replacement for an entire arch of teeth and is held in place by suction, muscle control, and denture adhesive.

Dr. Kratz will recommend regular checkups to monitor the health of your oral tissues and the fit of your dentures. Dentures typically need to be relined every few years as bone tissue resorbs and the shape of the jaw and overlying gum tissue changes.

Dental implant treatment is a common alternative to dentures. Even if you have worn a denture for years and experienced resorption of the underlying jawbone, you may be able to upgrade to a denture supported on or retained on as few as four implants.

Depending on your unique oral health situation and personal goals, Dr. Kratz will recommend the treatment option that is best for you. We welcome you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kratz to understand your options. Call Edina Dental Care today at (952) 922-2214.