Tooth Colored Fillings


At Edina Dental Care, Dr. Michael Kratz is delighted to serve patients from Edina and surrounding communities. We welcome new patients seeking quality preventive and restorative dentistry.

If you have developed a cavity, lost a filling, broken a tooth, or are observing other forms of dental damage, it is important to have the problem diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. An immediate appointment can make the difference between a simple restoration or more extensive treatment—and the difference between having a vital, healthy tooth for your lifetime or being faced with tooth replacement.

Whenever you come in for an exam or dental cleaning, we will take a thorough look at all your teeth to find signs of dental decay (caries), excessive wear and cracks in the enamel, and other oral health problems. The latest digital x-ray technology, surgical magnifying glasses, and laser fluorescence aid Dr. Kratz in making a thorough diagnosis. You will be able to see close-up images of your mouth and individual teeth on the chairside computer monitor.

If a dental cavity is found, a simple tooth-colored composite filling is usually all that is needed. The composite resin used for dental fillings comes in a range of natural shades, and Dr. Kratz can select the color that matches the surrounding tooth structure. This way, when you smile and laugh, your fillings are not visible.

Visit Edina Dental Care regularly to stay on top of developing dental problems and minimize the need for dental fillings. Give us a call today at (952) 922-2214.